Time for a change up

Things are starting to slow down again. After doing some author interviews I’m back yo doing my own thing. I tried to expand on the topics I write about, but the things that seem to work the best are when I talk about my writing, my spiritual experiences (including card reading) and crafts.

Over the last week or so I’ve been rewriting my latest book, The Bearclaw Coven: King Roman and adding new material to She Raged. I’m excited to say that the original draft had 10,000 words and in the three days I’ve spent rewriting it now has about 5,000. The old has yet to mix with the new, but it will happen. There’s three chapters and you can find them on Wattpad under Fuzzywriting.


What King Roman looks like in my mind. Read about him and see him for yourself 🙂

Here is a brief overview of The Bearclaw Coven: King Roman:

https://s3.amazonaws.com/embed.animoto.com/play.html?w=swf/production/vp1&e=1480134560&f=p2IaVmGD3HazEltXVcRFhA&d=0&m=b&r=360p&volume=100&start_res=360p&i=m&asset_domain=s3-p.animoto.com&animoto_domain=animoto.com&options=<p><a href=”https://animoto.com/play/p2IaVmGD3HazEltXVcRFhA”>The Bearclaw Coven: King Roman</a></p>

It won’t be long before I’m back to blogging three times a week, again.

I also have a new adventure underway and I love hosting and going to parties. Currently we have our Christmas collection available through Scentsy. I hope you take time to check it out.

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